
All the tools in one app
Projects for everything
Projects, team space, client work, and anything else
Blocks to get the job done
Customize your Projects with Blocks
Task Block
Organize your daily work, create to-do lists, assign tasks, add comments and attach files to tasks
Chat block
Instant messages. Private messaging included
chat block
File block
Upload files, docs, and images, and share them with your team or clients without using other services
file block
Calendar block
Add events, and sync them with your favorite calendar app (iCloud, Google, etc.)
calendar block
Discussions block
Discussions block it's the best way to discuss ideas and issues, share plans, ask questions, and post announcements to the team
post block
Docs block
A helpful tool for internal knowledge pages, company handbook, How-to, instructions, policies, etc.
Note block
URL Block
Still emailing URLs to the team? use URL block to add any external URL
URL block
Team Access
Select who can access the Workspace
team access
Keep clients up to date without sending a lot of emails
client access
Private messaging
Message teammates without using other services
Trusted by +3000 teams who love using Multidone